REGI Consulting offers tailored research about economic landscapes and institutions to clients who want to reduce the growing gaps between rich and poor. Our work on social infrastructure in northeast North America is careful, nuanced, and engaging. Our goal is to provide our clients with better analyses of:
• long-term financial accumulation (at demographic levels, or for specific institutions);
• social and economic inclusion (for various groups and stakeholders around the region);
• skill utilization (the identification and use of talent around the region); and
• the development of creative human capacities (broadly conceived).
REGI Consulting specializes in designing innovative research and conducting rigorous analyses. With regard to economic landscapes and institutions, we are not troubled by challenging qualitative research, nor do we draw back from complex statistical analysis. However, we are leery of one-size-fits-all research methodologies. Our intensive studies often use critical qualitative methods and advanced quantitative techniques together within an integrated framework. With the broad suite of research methods that we can employ, our overall methodologies are better tailored to the research question, the limits and strengths of the data, and the needs and knowledge frameworks of our clients.